Saturday 8 December 2012

A Song that would have touched your heart at least once!

Before I get on to saying what I want too, I want to apologize for not being able to share the concert video which I attended, and what I had planned to while I decided to write this post. ( apparently Blogger does not entertain Mp4 format )  I wanted all you guys to hear to it and feel the magic I experienced when I listened to him sing this song live-in-concert! It was truly an out-of-this-world feeling!

Literally a 'Good Morning'

It feels so nice to be woken up to a morning like this one!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Black and White

In our world of colours, its quite fascinating to know how everything boils down to black and white- day/night, black/white, dark/light..and so on. To a few who share literature classes with me, I am sure you know what I am talking about and where I am getting to. It may be that and a little more!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

My city lives in me

Every city has something that makes it special and unique. The monuments, the architecture, the history, the culture, the climate, the people, etc. . These places, monuments, buildings, climate, history,  all are components of a person's life within the city. But there is more to a city then just that. A city is what we eat, sleep, love, live, drink, earn, breathe, is what lives within and outside.